Wednesday 14 September 2016


Hey gang. I was worn out by the excitement of garbage day but now I'm back in top form.

Today we see a bag for McDonald's.  I found a twoonie on the ground and treated myself to an unhealthy breakfast.

Also a soda which is also bad for me but I made made a mistake at work and felt bad so I wallowed in the sugar goodness.

A lot of paper towels because I had chili today and I spilled some.

Also a granola bar wrapper.

Thanks for reading gang.

Edit: I forgot yhe photo because um trash.

Friday 19 August 2016

Garbage Day

It's trash day.

Lots of trash out there.

Here's mine.

Good use of the recylcing bins, and all the compostables are seperated too. I"m a good citizen.

Someone is risking the critters making a mess of their lawn

Poor trahs, heaped i na pile. No respek at all

Uh oh critters got here. Thats why the bylaws say no earlier than 6AM on garbage day

Fare well trash collection day.

And quit breaking my recycling bins.

Thursday 18 August 2016


Websites seem to be ranking hockey players.

I got a place to rank this guy.

Also featured: Mini coffee crisp wrapper.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Work bathroom

Today is the bathroom at work.

It's a mess.

The paper towels are eveywhere.

There's water on the floor.

Tsk. Tsk.  Coworkers.

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Canadian Tire, Burlington Mall

Getting my tire fixed. 

At the Canadian Tire, next to the Burlington Mall.

Nice and clean.

Good job Canadian Tire.

Keeping the waiting area suitable for all ages.

Babies eat trash, you see.

Just like bloggers. Huh. Life's funny that way.

Trash. It's all around us. Most of it's online. I'm not goign to help that at all.

This post is dedicated to @The JustinFisher, the true inspiration for all us trash bloggers.

Today in my trash there's an umbrella, that broke when I got off the train today, so fuck you umbrella.

Also a couple of granola bar wrappers. Natures Valley - Apple Crsip.

Umm...looks like some paper than got crammed into the tiny garbage can my office gives me and not in the giant recycling bin.

A carrot fell to the floor, also more paper.

Yep, so that's it for today.